From 3rd Judicial Prosecuting Attorney Devon Holder:

Last week, a bill was filed in the Arkansas Senate that would provide funding for all the Drug Task Forces in Arkansas. SB350 would be a massive boost to public safety all across Arkansas.

Here in the Third Judicial District, the lack of permanent Drug Task Force funding has been a decades-long barrier to a stable, consistent Drug Task Force. When we re-started our Drug Task Force in July of 2023, in the first 12 months, we took over $9,000,000.00 in illegal drugs off the streets. By centralizing the drug investigations, we also also freed up multiple Sheriff’s Departments and Police Departments to spend more time working theft, sexual assaults, and violent crime cases. We need our DTF to become a permanent part of our district.

Ask your legislators to pass SB350. This bill will save lives.

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