At Monday’s monthly meeting of the Lawrence County Quorum Court, Lawrence County Clerk Brandi Parker updated Justices on the progress made by her office and staff in reducing fees, penalties and interest being leveed against Lawrence County by the Internal Revenue Service.

In 2023 when the newly elected Parker and her staff took over the County Clerk’s Office, they were notified by the IRS of these outstanding penalties, fees and interest that were leveed in 2014-2022 on Lawrence County.

County Clerk Brandi Parker and her staff immediately informed the Quorum Court of this situation and began working with a tax advocate through Congressman Rick Crawford’s office in order to resolve the issue.

In last night’s meeting, Parker informed the Quorum Court that her office through exhausting diligent work had reduced the fees from $231,476.87 to a mere $7,612.69 if paid by February 23rd (IRS accrues interest monthly).

Parker was asked about the remaining fees, she explained to the court that she felt her office had reduced the penalties and interest as much as they could. Parker then asked the court to appropriate the money from the general fund and be done with this situation.

The Quorum Court unanimously voted to pay the remaining fees.

Justice’s praised the work performed by Parker and her staff, relieving the county from some $225,000 in fees, penalties and interest.

Original Article October 2024:

Quorum Court Updated On IRS Penalties

OCT 15, 2024

On Monday evening Lawrence County Clerk Brandi Parker gave the justices updates on the current penalties being levied against Lawrence County by the Internal Revenue Service.

Lawrence County has more than $200,000 in IRS penalties and fees levied against the county for what is being described as a failure of a past administration.

According to Parker, these fees and penalties stem from the previous administration and are for the years of 2014-2022.

The penalties and fees are associated with numerous failures to submit required IRS forms along with the penalties accrued over the years.

Parker stated that her office was working with a taxpayer advocate with the IRS in an attempt to resolve/reduce IRS debt.

Parker stated her office submitted the required filings back in August with hopes of having this resolved, Parker stated her office is resubmitting paperwork in hopes of having a resolution by the November meeting.