Back in 2007, Zebra Mussels made their first appearance in Bull Shoals Lake. While fluctuating water levels helped control their spread for a while, the more stable levels in 2023 and 2024 have led to a resurgence. Our AGFC biologists recently noticed an increase in these small, pesky mussels in Bull Shoals.

In contrast to Bull Shoals Lake, nearby Norfork Lake does not contain zebra mussels.  Since 2018, we’ve been using sampling plates at boat ramps and marinas as an early detection method for Zebra Mussels. After careful monitoring, we’re happy to report Norfork is still Zebra Mussel-free!

Why are Zebra Mussels such a big deal? They reproduce fast, clog water pipes and outboard motors, and harm native aquatic life by hogging food sources. Their sharp shells can also diminish swimming and scuba fun.

🚫 Transporting Zebra Mussels in Arkansas is illegal, and crossing state lines with them is a federal offense. Make sure to follow these steps to protect our lakes: Clean, Drain, and Dry your boats, motors, and trailers. This simple routine helps stop the spread of these invasive hitchhikers. Any areas capable of holding water, such as live wells, bilge pumps, and ballast tanks, should be dried along with the exterior of the boat.

If you spot Zebra Mussels outside of Bull Shoals Lake, report it to our AGFC Aquatic Nuisance Species Program Coordinator at 501-604-0485. For more details, photos, and to use our online reporting tool, visit our Aquatic Nuisance Species webpage at