Recently, at the Arkansas Peer Recovery Conference, Josh Ramsey was named the 2024 Peer Of The Year.

Josh has been with the Sheriff’s Office as a Peer Specialist since February 2021. He is one of two Peers who provide vital resources to those with addictions and want help, as well as to the families of those addicted.

Sheriff Melton said “Josh was the original Peer Specialist when the Peer Program was started at the Sheriff’s Office. Without his work, dedication,  and genuine care for his fellow man, the program would not be where it is today.”

The Peer Program is funded through federal grants. The peers are assigned to the 16th Judical Drug Task Force and cover the the entire district.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with addiction and want help, you can call Josh at 870-805-6181 or Ashley Sanders at 870-213-1624 to get help or information for resources.