We received this request from John Brent McGhee’s family to share this missing person information in hopes that someone knows or has information.

John Brent McGhee
July 11, 2024
Leachville, Arkansas

Circumstances of Disappearance
John Brent McGhee was last seen on 07/11/2024 and was last seen wearing a light blue t-shirt, khaki-colored cargo shorts, and HeyDude shoes.

Loyalty” tattooed on chest along with additional unknown chest tattoo.  “B” tattooed on upper left bicep (outer), large “Carpe Diem” tattoo on left forearm, Punisher Skull tattoo (colored as American flag) on backside of left forearm. Unknown tattoo on left hand.  Hourglass tattoo on right forearm. Tattoo on outer left calf — variation of a fire/flaming tattoo.

Leachville Police Department
(870) 539-6604
Agency Case Number