HELP US SPREAD THE WORD & JOIN US July 6th for Black Rock Alumni Association Mixer, Meeting, and Meal at Black Rock Community Center (former cafeteria and before that gymnasium)
Meet and Greet with refreshments from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. with yearbooks, memorabilia, and museum tours available. Meeting starts at 4:00 p.m. followed by the Dinner at 5 p. m. provided by Renee’s Café. Activity to follow the Meal.
Cost: Single person advance pay is $15. Single person at the door $20.
Couple advance pay is $28. Couple at the door is $38.
RSVP not later than 30 June 2024 for the advance discount. Be sure to choose either the roast beef or chicken & dressing plate when you RSVP. Sent payment to BR Alumni Association, 493 Lawrence Rd 210, Black Rock, AR 72415.
All former students, staff, graduates, and interested community members are encouraged to attend.
Wear your Zebra prints, colors, shirts, jackets, jerseys, etc. for an extra door prize “credit”!! Send us names you want posted at the Memorial Table. Contact Dan Sloan 870-878-1033, Lesia Sloan Phillips 870-878-1120, LaDonna Bryant Maxie 870-878-6792, or Taressia Woods Stinnettt 870-759-8877