Officials say Tracy Toller and Heidi Holland of Williford, who were charged with abandoning numerous dogs and one cat with no food or water in a locked home have entered into a plea agreement before Judge Rob Ratton according to court documents.
Toller and Holland were charged with 19 counts of cruelty to animals along with a felony charge of aggravated cruelty to animals later added.
The incident occurred in August 2021 when Deputies with the Sharp County Sheriff’s Department received a call from the property owner requesting a welfare check after they had not heard from the renters.
As officers entered the residence they discovered multiple bodies of dogs as well as some emaciated dogs who had survived by eating the corpses of other deceased dogs.
Three small dogs, malnourished and dehydrated were still alive in the home.
Authorities also found additional seven dogs in the back yard alive but deprived of food or water.
Both Toller and Holland pled guilty to one felony count aggravated cruelty to animals, and 18 counts of misdemeanor cruelty to animals.
Toller and Holland turned themselves in to authorities in 2021 and had remained in the Sharp County Detention Center for 290 days, which was credited to them during sentencing by the Judge.
Toller and Holland were sentenced to time served, 48 month’s probation and must pay court fees and fines.