According to Chief Deputy Aaron Presser, the following individuals were incarcerated last week (7/11-7/18) an average of 69 inmates housed in the Sharp County Detention Center daily.
Elmer Bailey, 51, of Sidney, was arrested for Possession of Sched. VI LT 4oz (Misdemeanor), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Meth/Cocaine (Felony), No Insurance, No Tag Lights.
Briah Bell, 41, of Cherokee Village, was arrested for Public Intoxication.
James Biby, 43, of Newport, Contempt of Court.
Michael Blankenship, 42, of Germantown, was arrested for Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test ( A Misdemeanor), Careless Driving, Possession of Sched. VI LT 4oz (Misdemeanor) Driving while Intoxicated (Drugs) 1st Offence, No Driver’s License.
Crissy Brigman, 32, of Cherokee Village, was arrested for Intent to Defraud Drug or Alcohol Test, Contempt of Court.
Alvin Bromley, 70, of Mark Tree, Court Sentenced.
Felesha Cousins, 32, of Concorde, Court Sentenced.
Rachel Ferguson, 65, of Williford, was arrested for Aggravated Assault (Felony).
David Gibson, 39, of Grand Rivers, was arrested for Public Intoxication.
Salvatore Gumina, 53, of Ash Flat, was arrested for Domestic Battering 3rd Degree, Terroristic Threatening 1st Degree (Felony).
Jason Jackson, 41, of Hardy, was arrested for Failure to Appear on Theft of Property (Felony).
Dolly Johnston, 51, of Harrison, was arrested for Cruelty to Animals.
Kenneth Kelly, 59, of Cherokee Village, was arrested for Failure to Comply W/Conditions.
Jack Knight, 60, of Brockwell, was arrested for Driving Left of Center, Driving while Intoxicated.
Dale Lambert, 58, of Mammoth Springs, Court Ordered.
Michael Mann, 50, Cave City, was arrested for Public Intoxication, Driving with Suspend/Revoked DL, Faulty/Defective Equipment, and Possession of Sched. VI LT 4oz (Misdemeanor).
Kenneth Martin, 38, of Ravenden, was arrested for disorderly Conduct, Criminal Trespass.
Joseph Miller, 38, of Ash Flat, was arrested for Driving with Suspended/Revoked DL, No Insurance, Theft of Property, and Obstructing Governmental Operations.
Rickey Norris, 25, of Sidney, was arrested for Failure to Appear on No Proof on Insurance, Violation of Restricted DL, and Expired Tags.
Sarah Parkerson, 26, of Batesville, Surrender on Bond Revocation.
Frank Pockrus, 40, of Cave City, was arrested for Public Intoxication, Endangering Welfare of Minor 3rd Degree.
Richard Reiter, 79, of Cherokee Village, was arrested for Contempt of Court.
Kimberly Shackelford, 31, of Williford, was arrested for Failure to Comply W/Conditions.
Nichole Shands, 45, of Cave City, was arrested for Possession of Sched. I, II Meth/Cocaine LT 2GM, Possession of Sched. IV LT 28GM, Parole/Probation Hold.
Amber Sims, 41, of Hardy, was arrested for Failure to Appear on Possession of Instrument of Crime.
Jeannie Sisco, 41, of Hardy was arrested for Absconding/White Warrant.
Jerrett Stanford, 35, of Cherokee Village, was arrested for Theft by Receiving, Parole/Probation Hold, and Possession of Sched. I, II Meth/Cocaine LT 2GM (Felony), and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Manufacture Controlled Sub (Felony).
Paul Stewart, 36, of Cedartown, was arrested for Aggravated Residential Burglary (Felony), Rape (Felony).
Jimmy Stockwell, 45, of Walnut Ridge, Court Ordered.
Kaleb Welch, 28, of Hardy, was arrested on Failure to Appear on Theft of Property.
Dana Willis, 34, of Sidney, was arrested for Theft of Services LE$1000 or Committed, and Drinking in Public.
Chad Woolard, 42, of Cherokee Village, was arrested for Driving while Intoxicated (Drugs) 1st Offence, Parole/Probation Hold.