It’s back! The Cartoon Extravaganza is a super fun time for kids of all ages! There will be crafts, games, prizes, science experiments and many other activities for kids to experience
. There will also be a concession stand with hot dogs, nachos, drinks, etc. We encourage parents (especially of preschool age kids) to stay and take many fun pictures. Pre-registration is not required and it’s open to the public! (Papers will go home with Sloan-Hendrix students and placed in the school office if you would like to pre-register.) Cost will be $10 per child.
Wednesday, February 23- 3:00pm
Thursday, February 24- 3:00 pm
Friday, February 25- 3:00 pm
It will take approximately 1 1/2 -2 hours to complete everything. Super fun! Put this on your calendar and help support the Sloan-Hendrix music program. We are excited to be able to offer this again!