Pocahontas Police today released video of numerous suspects involved in recent car break ins and “porch pirate†incidents.
Yesterday we released an article about the same suspected individuals and according to authorities numerous new victims have come forward.
Pocahontas authorities say they have one suspect in custody and are attempting to identify the rest of the suspects involved.
Authorities warn residents to make sure to lock vehicles and not leave valuables in plain site in their vehicles. Authorities also say the individuals are stealing items off residents porches and urge people to not leave packages or valuables outside.
Authorities are also still collecting video and evidence in this ongoing investigation and urge residents with security footage or information to come forward and report it to the Pocahontas Police Department at 870-892-9867.
Update: Pocahontas Police have recovered numerous items including two cell phones, cell phone accessories including chargers and ear phones, knifes and a rain coat. If these belong to you, call the Pocahontas Police and identify your items.
We will continue to update this as information becomes available.
Investigators from the Pocahontas Police Department stated that the areas involving these incidents are the Carter Street, Decker Street and Pine Street areas but believe other areas in the city could be effected as well.