Physicians across the state of Arkansas have made pleas on social media and in interviews for people to get vaccinated and mask up to protect themselves and those around them against the highly contagious delta variant of COVID-19. We’ve seen a week of rapidly increasing numbers in both new cases and hospitalizations. Today a third child in Arkansas , age 11 was reported to have passed away due to complications from COVID-19.
With children going back to school in upcoming weeks and a state mask mandate ban still in place those numbers seem sure to rise. We are hearing from AR ER doctors that wait times for a hospital room (Covid or not) can take as much as 12, 18, 24 hours , if they have a room at all. You have to wonder what will our hospitals look like a month from now?
The ADH recommends to wear a face-covering in all indoor public settings in areas of substantial or high transmission, whether you are vaccinated or not vaccinated. All areas of Arkansas currently have substantial or high transmission.

The Arkansas Center for Health Improvement ACHI stated today that

“COVID-19 continues its resurgence in Arkansas, with 2,777 new cases and 17 new deaths reported Thursday . Hospitalizations increased by 19 to 1,251, the highest level since Jan. 19. Gov. Asa Hutchinson called a special legislative session this week, in part so legislators could consider modifying Act 1002 ― the state mask mandate ban ― to allow public schools to protect children. This afternoon, the House Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committee rejected two bills that would have allowed local school boards to require masks.”

County Covid-19 active cases

Baxter- 400



Fulton- 68








To protect yourself and others, the ADH recommends:

  • Get the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  • Practice physical distancing. Avoid close contact with others, especially those who are sick, by keeping at least 6 feet between you and others.
  • If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 or develop a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, seek testing. Testing is available in many locations, including ADH Local Health Units.
  • It is recommended to wear a face-covering in all indoor public settings in areas of substantial or high transmission, whether you are vaccinated or not vaccinated. All areas of Arkansas currently have substantial or high transmission. Click here to read the recommendations.