Sloan-Hendrix Schools is scheduled to open on Monday, August 24. The following link will provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding the reopening of school. If we can provide clarification or answer additional questions please contact the office in your child’s building.

School is scheduled to begin August 24, 2020, unless changed by the ADH.

Procedures for Open House will be announced by the end of July and will be in accordance with ADH and DESE guidelines. 

What learning options will Sloan-Hendrix offer for the 2020-21 school year?

Sloan-Hendrix will offer two learning options for Fall 2020:

A) Onsite blended learning, which combines traditional face to face instruction and digital learning. The main mode of delivery will be face to face, but instructional videos and materials will be uploaded into google classroom. In the event of inclement weather or a mandated school closure, students would be prepared to transition to virtual learning offsite.

B) Virtual learning, in which students will receive off site instruction through the use of digital instruction and curriculum. Students will not attend any classes onsite.

Can students transition back and forth between onsite blended learning and virtual learning?

Parents will choose either the onsite blended learning option or virtual option by August 7. Parents who wish to enroll their child in the virtual option need to contact that student’s respective office. Parents who choose the onsite blended option will not need to call. In extenuating circumstances, a student would be able to transition from one to the other in the middle of the semester.