A Jonesboro man is behind bars in Woodruff County after being arrested on outstanding warrants for residential burglary and theft of property.

Jessie Randle, dob 12-9-73, of Jonesboro is also believed to be the scammer whose been traveling through multiple counties including Lawrence, attempting to scam people out of money. We first brought you a story in November of a person matching this description who approached an Imboden resident , asked for money, then stole their purse from a vehicle. The person matched Jessie Randle’s description. We understand that a positive identification was made December 17th by the victim.
On Friday, Jackson County authorities release a photograph of Jessie Randle and asked for citizens who were victimized by this person to call the sheriff’s office. Soon people from all over Northeast Arkansas including Craighead, Cross, Greene, and Lawrence counties notified Jackson County Sheriff’s Office that this was the same person who had attempted to scam them for money.
Jackson county put out a statement asking if you live in Jackson county and have fallen victim to Mr. Randle, to contact the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department at 870-523-5842 to file a report. If you are a victim from Lawrence County contact 870-886-2525 ex 7. If you are a victim from a different county please contact your local law enforcement.
Jessie Randle has a lengthy criminal history that includes charges out of Craighead, Crittenden, Poinsett, Mississippi, Greene, Cross, Woodruff, and Randolph County in Arkansas. Randle has also faced charges in Shelby Co. Tn. His past charges include forgery, numerous commercial and residential burglary charges, probation violation, trespassing, carrying prohibited weapons, fraudulent use of credit cards, theft by deception, and possession of drugs with attempt to deliver.
Jessie Randle was arrested Monday by the Woodruff County Sheriff’s Department and is currently housed in the Woodruff County jail awaiting a court date.