​To make a Fall Festival come to life you need a lot of help from some friends. This year, Pocahontas High School Speech and Drama Students have agreed to get spooky and take a rather unusual stage to bring a haunted evening to life. The young men and women pictured here have practiced for weeks as they prepare to take the stage Saturday in a series of Hayride skits during the 2017 Ghost of Davidsonville Fall Festival. Swapping a more traditional venue for outdoor locations in a park, attendees of the fest will go ‘Into the Woods’ and encounter creepy and eerie situations that these fictional residents of Davidsonville have experienced.
​Want to attend? Hayride tickets are $4 for adults (13+) $2 for kids (6-12), and those 5 and under ride free. The Ghost of Davidsonville Fall Festival takes place at Davidsonville Historic State Park, between Black Rock and Pocahontas AR on Highway 166. The event opens at 5pm, and will also showcase live music, living historians, and activities for the kids. For more information about the event, call the park at 870-892-4708 or email davidsonville@arkansas.gov.