As the sun came up on Wednesday, damage from the early morning storms could be seen all across town.
Most heavily damaged was the Rodeo Arena at the Lawrence County Fairgrounds where several sets of bleachers were overturned in a twisted heap while others sustained damaged.
Several trees around town were broken and down in the yards of residents. Office of Emergency Services Coordinator Chris Jones was on hand inspecting the damage around Imboden and the county. According to OES Coordinator Jones, James Ratliff President of the Fair Association was in route to inspect the damages to the fair grounds.
We spoke with Imboden Fire Chief Jim Jones who stated some residents were still without power around the area but luckily no injuries were reported in the storms.
Both OEM Coordinator Chris Jones and Imboden Fire Chief Jim Jones relayed information that the Rodeo Arena was covered by the county’s insurance.
Of the residences we saw this morning with damage, the Hale residence on 4th street seemed to have the most, a tree came down on the corner of the house, damaging a carport and coming to rest on the house. Mr. Hale stated “all that matters is everyone is ok”.