Early voting begins today, Tuesday Nov. 3rd for the Nov. 10 special election seeking a half-percent sales tax to fund the building and maintenance of a new jail for the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office. Early and absentee voting will be conducted through the office of County Clerk Tina Stowers in the courthouse through Monday, Nov. 9.
The ballot for the jail tax will contain two sales tax questions. The first question will ask voters to vote for or against an eighth of a cent sales tax to fund maintenance of the facility. The second question will be a vote for or against a three-eighth cent sales tax to build the new jail. Together, the two proposed taxes will equal a half-cent sales tax.
The proposed jail would house some 100 inmates, minimizing staff by design. Estimated cost would be 8.3 to 8.4 million dollars or about $160.00 per square foot. Once the sales tax passes, construction is estimated to take 2 years to complete. Lawrence Counties current facility does not meet minimum requirements according to the Arkansas Jail Standards Committee.
After passage of the sales tax, construction would take approximately two years to get the jail built. If approved the collection of the additional tax would begin on April 1st 2016. Voters are encouraged to get out and vote, early voting continues through the 9th of Nov. with the election being held on Nov. 10th.
For more information on the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office visit www.lawrencecountysheriffsoffice.com .