Powhatan Historic State Park to Host Ghost Walks
October 17 7-10 pm Adults $2, Children 6-12 $1, Under 6 Free Powhatan and Northeast Arkansas have a long, rich history, so it only makes sense that there are probably…
Small town news commentary from Imboden, Arkansas
October 17 7-10 pm Adults $2, Children 6-12 $1, Under 6 Free Powhatan and Northeast Arkansas have a long, rich history, so it only makes sense that there are probably…
At 9:22 am on Monday the Lawrence County Dispatch received a 911 call reporting a vehicle overturned in a field off Lawrence 138 near the Lawrence 106 intersection. Ravenden Firefighters…
Sloan-Hendrix Black & Gold Basketball Games will be held on Monday, October 12th, at 5:00 p.m. in the Bill McCurley Gymnasium. Admission and food are free and the games are…
Christopher Daniel Price, Jefferson Street Walnut Ridge was arrested on Friday and charged with Felony Theft of Property, Criminal Trespass and Possession of Marijuana. Details of the arrest have not…
Oct.10th The Black Rock Volunteer Fire Deaprtment will hold an event for the public with Food, Fun , Educational programs , Equipment Viewing , Truck Tours , Prevention and Safety…
On Oct. 24 an AARP drivers course will be held in the basement of the Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church located 6 miles south of Imboden. You must be 50…
Have you paid your property taxes? Time is running out! October 15th is the last day you can pay without a penalty. Find your county, look up what you owe…
Curtis Lee Burks of Alicia, formerly of Strawberry and Walnut Ridge was booked into the Lawrence County Jail on charges of Felony Theft of Property and 1st Degree Criminal Mischief…
LITTLE ROCK – Bowhunters checked 2,595 deer during opening weekend, Sept. 26-27. The bow opener has been a near mirror image of itself the last three years, with 2,682 deer…
On Thursday a Lawrence County Deputy observed James Rouse of Portia operating a motor vehicle near Alicia. Rouse was just in court last week on his 9th Driving On Suspended/Revoked…
Lawrence County Sheriff Jeff Yates delivered 170.65 pounds of unused/out of date prescription drugs to the Arkansas State Troop B Headquarters on Tuesday. The pills were collected during the…
As Sheriff of Lawrence County I am writing this letter in support of the proposed half cent sales tax to be voted on November 10th of this year. I understand…
Lawrence/ Randolph Counties Bible Lectureship will be held on October 9th and 10th at Free Street Church of Christ in Walnut Ridge.
Dennis Derx has been sentenced to 34 years in the Arkansas Department Of Corrections on rape charges according to the office of Henry Boyce, 3rd Judicial Prosecutor. Swifton Police…
Christy Louise Hattenhauer of West Fontaine Street Walnut Ridge sits in the Lawrence County Jail after her arrest on October 2nd. Hattenhauer was arrested by the Walnut Ridge Police Department…
Michael Lawson of NW 5th Street Walnut Ridge was arrested on October 2nd and charged with Felony Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia and No Drivers License. Lawson was arrested and booked…