Sloan-Hendrix PTE Meeting March 17th, 2014
The meeting was held in the Sloan-Hendrix Public Schools Parent Center. The meeting was called to
order by Amanda Stallings at 6pm.

Amanda Stallings read the minutes from the previous meeting: All approved.

April Rainwater read the monthly bank statement balance.

Old Business

1. Bi-Laws

All members approved the bi-laws Article XIV by signatures. Attached at the end of the minutes.

2. Playground Carports

‒ Gordon and Jason Hickman are going to help level ground for the carports. Amanda met with

Jason on Tuesday to show him the location

‒ Type of carports and prices were discussed.

‒ A finally decision was made to purchase an A frame style. Pricing for 2 carports including taxes

will be $1,850.56. All labor and set fees are included in the prices. Amanda Stallings requested

$2000 for carport prices and any unexpected costs. April Rainwater made the 1st

Kristie Stallings: All approved

3. Tammie Bradley explained Literacy Day activities. It had to be moved to March 10th

weather. Items were given to K-4. Stacy Wilson printed labels that stated PTE provided the items. The

recent weather caused scheduling issues for Middle school so items were not passed out. They will be

saved for future middle school use.

4. Sound System

‒ A discussion took place on a pa system with speakers that will connect 8 inputs and 8 wireless

mics. Total price with 2 year protection plan. 1,690.96 The pa system is very similar to what

we have now. It was decided to purchase the 8 wireless mics and discuss the movability of the

current system with Randy Gholson. Amanda Stallings requested $1700 in case the current

system will not move and a new pa system or speakers to go with the old system are required.

Cheryl Hufstedler made the 1st

5. Art in the Park

‒ Shelia Deshazo explained “Art in the Park”. She will need the sound system by the date of the

event. Event date: April 26, 2014. She will set a certain time for grades to perform. The program

will need volunteers to organize kids, help hang art early in the morning. James Presley will also

be hosting an Alumni baseball game with concession stand.

6. Mega Party

‒ Bobbi Duncan discussed the Mega Party with Becky Foreman and presented her findings.

motion, 2nd

by Shelia Deshazo.

New Business

1. Office committee – To recruit new president, vice president, secretary, and treasure.

All present officers should discuss possible candidate and be privately speaking to potential nominees.

Votes will take place at the next meeting.

April Rainwater gave Sonic and McDonald’s’ coupons to those present.

All members enjoyed the food that was brought.

Meeting adjourned at 6:49, Amanda Stallings made a motion to close the meeting, seconded April


Next Meeting April 21, 2014 in Sloan-Hendrix Parent Center at 6pm, bring treats if you plan on attending.

Article XIV – Finances

Section 1. A tentative budget shall be drafted in the fall for each school year and

approved by a majority vote of the members present.

Section 2. The treasurer shall keep accurate records of any disbursements, income, and

bank account information.

Section 3. The board shall approve all expenses of the organization.

Section 4. Two authorized signatures shall be required on each check over the amount of

$200. No signatures required when using the debit card.

Section 5. The treasurer shall prepare a financial statement for every meeting and at the

end of the year.

Section 6. The fiscal year shall coordinate with the school year. Reminder: State laws

often dictate what records must be made available to an organization’s members and to

the general public. Also, federal law requires that a nonprofit tax-exempt organization’s

IRS Form 1023 and copies of the organization’s annual information returns (IRS Form

990 or 990EZ) for the most recent three years be available for public review when


Section 7. Compensation

a. A vote must be taken to provide compensations from the SHPTE for purchases or

services rendered.

b. The member being compensated may request compensation to the group at a regularly

scheduled meeting. The group excluding the member being compensated will then vote.

Section 8. Request for purchases/payment

a. A person requesting funds (ex. teacher, administrator) must present a formal proposal

at a regularly scheduled meeting during the new business in order to receive funds. This

proposal must include how it will benefit the students of Sloan-Hendrix Public Schools,

the place of purchase, and an estimated amount to be spent.

b. In emergency situations a person requesting funds must present a formal proposal to

each of the executive board members. Approval requires all board signatures.

c. The person requesting funds will be responsible for making the purchase, supplying

the SHPTE with a copy of the receipt and the packing slip.

d. Once a formal proposal has been made, a majority vote of the members present will

take place.

e. Once funding is approved, the president/treasurer will supply the person requesting

funds with a check made out the person requesting with the “for” portion on the check
