Sloan-Hendrix PTE Meeting               November 18, 2013
Members Present
Amanda Stallings, President
Terri Smith, Treasure
Kristie Stallings, Secretary
Tammie Bradley
Bobbie Duncan
Candi Yarbro
Shelia Deshazo
Cheryl Hufstedler
7 Sloan-Hendrix Teachers/Aids of which 6 have children attending Sloan-Hendrix: 1 Parent
The meeting was moved to the Parent-Center. The meeting was called to order by President, Amanda Stallings at 6:20pm.
Kristie Stallings read the minutes from the previous meeting: All approved.
Old Business
1. Outdoor Classroom Project
- Mrs. Adams suggested the community businesses and school clubs adopt a section of the outdoor classroom.  This would help with not only development of the site, but with the  maintenance as well.
- A December deadline for a grant is closing in.
- An outdoor classroom survey was sent out to the entire  school. 8 teachers returned the form.
- Candi Yarbro mentioned the county having free mulch.
2. Bi-Laws
- A motion was made by Amanda Stallings: Seconded by Terri Smith for Article 2 and 3 in the bi-laws to be as followed
- Article 2 – Purpose
This non-profit organization was established for the purpose of supporting the Sloan-Hendrix Public Schools by building relationships with parents, and teachers to better prepare Sloan-Hendrix students for the future.
- Article 3 – Members
Section 1. Any parent, guardian or other adult involved in a student’s life at the school may be a member and shall have voting rights. Any member of the Sloan-Hendrix Public Schools staff and faculty may be a member and shall have voting rights.
Section 2. Dues, if any will be established by the active officers, which include the President, Vice President, Treasure, and Secretary. If dues are charged, the member must have paid the dues at the previous meeting to have a voting right. Only paid members will have a right to vote.
3. Playground Carports
- Proposed carport at the elementary playground.
- We will vote on this in January, when we have more  information. We are in need of prices. Suggested: Imboden Feed Store for pricing.
- Sell ornaments to raise our part in the Kindergarten Playground  Carport.
- It was suggested to use funds from Terra Cycle in the spring for part of a carport  as well.
4. Elementary Trees
- Mrs. Duncan’s Class planted a crab apple tree with the money from  the PTE. The tree has been named Miss Crabby Apple.
5. Fundraising
- Signature Fundraising Spring Packet and a Movie Night  Packet came through mail
- Both looked at by the members.
- It was decided not to use Signature Fundraising due  to the similarities in last year’s spring packet.
- Pom Poms: Melanie Stephens, Chris Murphy, and Amanda Stallings sold pom poms at the Homecoming basketball game. Melanie Stephens volunteered to sell pom poms on  Mon. Nov.18th at the home basketball game.
New Business
1. Canned Food Drive
- The annual food drive for the school will take place  from November 18th –November 23rd.
- The cans collected from the PTE Food Drive will be  added to this collection.
2. December Meeting
- Discuss our yearly progress.
3. Ornament Sale
- Money will be used for a carport in the kindergarten  playground
- Pre-order flyers can go out asap
- Motion made by Terri Smith: Seconded by Cheryl Hufstedler to sale the ornaments and to price them at $5.
4. Gutters
- The gutters attached to the preschool and the computer lab is in need of repair. Water spills on to the walkway that is supposed to protect the students during the rain.
- It was decided that the PTE needed to determine a  cost on the gutter project.
- Mr. Ring will use his contacts to determine a cost.
- Amanda Stallings will take individual votes from  the members present at this meeting concerning this project when a price is giving so it could possibly be done during Christmas Break.
5. Motion Lights
- A motion was made by Tammie Bradley: Seconded by  Bobbie Duncan to purchase two motion lights for the outside of the Parent  Center.
Meeting adjourned 6:48pm
Before the business portion of the meeting, PTE Members organized the closets in the parent center. The closets are very organized and spaces now. Thank you.
Next Meeting; December 16th 2013 in Sloan-Hendrix Library at 6pm, Vice President April Rainwater will manage this meeting.