We have been having fun at Sloan-Hendrix with this years’ PTE Fundraiser.
Blue Dog has invaded Sloan-Hendrix.
On Feb 5th Signature Fundraising visited Sloan-Hendrix. Mr. Greg from Signature Fundraising educated the students on the American Revolution. He brought a friend along with him named, Blue Dog. Blue was so excited to be at our school that he came back the next day, Feb. 6th, to help collect coupons and give away lanyards and charms. Students earned coupons for selling a certain amount items. Students loved getting their picture taken with Blue Dog. Everyone that turned in a coupon was put in a drawing to win a prize a recess. Blue decided he would come back to help give away the prizes. In the middle school, Jordan Matthews and Gus Gosha won a laser safe, Blythe Wallis won light up ear buds, Kelsey Lee won a magic kit. In 3rd and 4th grade Cage Sisco won a magic kit and Natalie Thompson won light up ear buds. 1st and 2nd grade, Haiden Woods won a magic kit and Cadee Johnson won a water dispenser. Kindergarten, Zoey Wolfe and Brody Malin won a character hat. Blue will be back threw out the week. The next coupon days are Wed. Feb. 13th, Tues Feb. 19th, and Thur. Feb 21st from 8:15 to 10am. Drawings will happen at recess.