Town of Imboden
Council Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2013
I. Call to order
Mayor Gene Dearen called to order the regular meeting of the Imboden City Council on January 14, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Imboden Fire Station.
II. Roll call- Mayor Dearen sworn in Recorder-Treasurer Steve Jones, and Alderman Joe Chappell, Rebecca Jones, Dan Matthews, and Doug Swink. Recorder-Treasurer Jones conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Mayor Gene Dearen; Recorder-Treasurer Steve Jones; Alderman Joe Chappell, Rebecca Jones, Dan Matthews, and Doug Swink. Ryan Cooper, City Attorney and Terry Smith, Water/Wastewater Superintendent were also present. Also in attendance was Bob Glass from the Ozark Journal. Mayor Dearen welcomed Joe Chappell as a new member of the Council.
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Recorder-Treasurer Jones gave each member present a copy of the minutes from the December 10, 2012 meeting. The minutes were approved as presented on a motion made by Rebecca Jones and seconded by Dan Matthews. Vote was four for and none against.

IV. Financial Statement and Monthly expenditures were approved by the Council.
End of 2012 “clean-up” budget totals were presented to the Council for consideration by Mayor Dearen:
1. Motion was made by Dan Matthews and seconded by Joe Chappell to approve the general fund budget. Proposed Ordinance 2013-1 was read three times. Vote for Ordinance 2013-1 was four for and none against. Mayor Dearen declared an emergency to exist and Ordinance 2013-01 will go into effect immediately. Ordinance #2013-1 is attached as a part of these minutes
2. Motion was made by Joe Chappell and seconded by Doug Swink to approve the street fund budget. Proposed Ordinance 2013-2 was read three times. Vote for Ordinance 2013-2 was four for and none against. Mayor Dearen declared an emergency to exist and Ordinance 2013-2 will go into effect immediately. Ordinance #2013-2 is attached as a part of these minutes
3. Motion was made by Joe Chappell and seconded by Dan Matthews to approve the fire department budget. Proposed Ordinance 2013-3 was read three times. Vote for Ordinance 2013-3 was four for and none against. Mayor Dearen declared an emergency to exist and Ordinance 2013-3 will go into effect immediately. Ordinance #2013-3 is attached as a part of these minutes
4. Motion was made by Doug Swink and seconded by Rebecca Jones to approve the water and sewer budget. Proposed Ordinance 2013-4 was read three times. Vote for Ordinance 2013-4 was four for and none against. Mayor Dearen declared an emergency to exist and Ordinance 2013-4 will go into effect immediately. Ordinance #2013-4 is attached as a part of these minutes.
5. Operation and Maintenance budget for the water and sewer department will
be presented for review and approval at the February 2013 meeting.
V. Old Business
1. City Attorney Cooper addressed the council about the following items:
a. “Dangerous dogs”-Cooper gave members of the council several copies of this type ordinance from neighboring towns and asked them to study them for a recommendation for an ordinance at the February meeting.
b. Discussed the possibility of an occupation tax for businesses within the city limits of the Town of Imboden. He asked the council members to think about this for a possible ordinance at the February meeting.
c. Clean up – Cooper advised the council that this ordinance appears to be sufficient and he would assist in citing property owners sent notices for violations to court after the proper procedures are followed in sending notice by registered mail
d. Automobile accident at S & H Quick Shop involving city vehicle. Cooper advised the council that he would contact the attorney representing the lady that was backed in to about a discussion on settlement.
2. Clean-up
a. Recorder-Jones advised the council that letters would he sent on properties discussed at November meeting since the ordnance had been approved by City Attorney Cooper.
3. Clinic- Motion was made by Rebecca Jones and seconded by Dan Matthews to approve the carpet project at the clinic, Recorder-Treasurer Jones advised the council that the money was set aside in the 2013 General Fund Budget. Vote was four for and none against.
4. Personnel Committee:
a. Rebecca Jones reported that the personnel committee recommended to Mayor Dearen that Nick Bagwell be offered the position as Streets/Parks Superintendent effective February 1, 2013. Mayor Dearen announced that he would confirm that recommendation and Nick Bagwell would be offered the position.
5. Mayor Dearen informed the Council that City of Pocahontas Dog Pound would take animals collected within the Town of Imboden by Animal Control Officer Hinson.
6. Water and Sewer Report was given by Terry Smith, Water Superintendent.

VI. New Business
1. Recorder-Treasurer Jones informed council that original water bonds dated in 1958 and sewer bonds added in 1972 were paid off in December 2012.
2. Recorder-Treasurer Jones asked Terry Smith to review the rental of work uniforms and delete any not being used.
3. Dan Matthews informed the Council that he had been in discussion about the possible leasing of city property around the sewer pond and would possibly have report at February meeting.
VII. Adjournment
Mayor Gene Dearen adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM and announced that the next meeting would be held in the Imboden Fire Station at 7:00 PM on February 11 2013.
Minutes submitted by: Stephen E. Jones-Recorder Treasurer
Minutes approved by: Gene Dearen-Mayor

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