Town of Imboden Meeting Minutes October 8, 2012
I. Call to order
Mayor Gene Dearen called to order the regular meeting of the Imboden City Council on October 8, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the Imboden Fire Station.
II. Roll call
Recorder-Treasurer Steve Jones conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Mayor Gene Dearen; Recorder-Treasurer Steve Jones; Alderman Preston Clark, Rebecca Jones, and Doug Swink.
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Recorder-Treasurer Jones gave each member present a copy of the minutes from the September 10, 2012 meeting. The minutes were approved as presented on a motion made by Doug Swink and seconded by Preston Clark. Vote was three for and none against.
IV. Financial Statement and Monthly expenditures were approved by the Council.
It was noted that AET Ambulance Service is $1,000 in arrears on monthly rent.
V. Old Business
1. Ms. Janet Smith brought to the attention of the council that a restrained dog belonging to the residents on North Main had bitten three people in the past year. She noted that the dog was tied up and was on the property but was still somewhat of a menace and dangerous. She also stated that she had been told the dog had been put down sometime in the past few days. She requested that the Council review the dog ordinance and perhaps put more teeth into the ordinance for menacing and ferocious dogs even though they were restrained on people’s property. Council advised Ms. Smith that the ordinance would be studied and rewritten to more effectively address the problem.
2. Recorder-Jones advised the council that letters had been sent to heirs of the Dru Croom Property about ownership.
3. Water and Sewer Report was given by Terry Smith, water superintendent.
4. Personnel Committee: Minutes of the Personnel committee as follows:
a. Personnel Committee met October 4, 2012 at 9:30 AM in the Imboden Fire Station with Rebecca Jones, Dan Matthews, Preston Clark and Terry Smith Water/Sewer Superintendent in attendance.
i. Recommended that David Break be employed as part time employee with hourly rate of $8.65 and to do general maintenance as directed by Smith.
ii. Recommended that Water and Sewer Department be split and other duties for town be assigned to each. Each employee would maintain certification in both areas. Cost would not be significant when salaries now are considered and consolidated.
iii. Recommended that Council pursue purchase of small Ford Ranger type pickup truck to be used by water/sewer/street maintenance.
iv. Recommended that discussion be held on employing a City Attorney on retainer.
b. Personnel committee will meet again before November council meeting to complete job description for presentation to Council at November meeting.
VI. New business
1. Recorder-Treasurer Jones advised Council that state auditor had most of town’s records for annual audit.
2. Chris Jones submitted his resignation as Street Superintendent; Flood Plain Manager; Heat and Air Inspector and Plumbing Inspector effective at the Town of Imboden convenience either January 1, 2013 or March 1, 2013.
3. Rental agreements with Arkansas Forestry, AET and White Medial Clinic were discussed. Agreed to finalize upon receipt of contracts from state auditor.
4. Letter was presented from Macy McCormic of Girl Scout Troop #3429 requesting permission to paint the picnic tables in the city park as a Girl Scout project. Permission was given.
5. Copy machine is out of service with an estimated cost of $325.00 to repair. Cost of new one from Batesville Typewriter Co. is $699.00 for copier, $120.00 for Automatic Document Feeder and $299.00 for Fax Board for a total of $1,118.00. Service construct is 5 cents per copy. Motion made by Rebecca Jones and seconded by Doug Swink that the copiers and service contact is purchased from Batesville Typewriter Co, for $1,118.00 and it be paid for out of the General Fund Contingency. Vote was three for and none against.
6. Any considerations for 2013 budget to be presented to Mayor for discussion at November meeting.
VII. Adjournment
Mayor Gene Dearen adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM and announced that the next meeting would be held in the Imboden Fire Station at 7:00 PM on November 12, 2012.
Minutes submitted by: Stephen E. Jones-Recorder Treasurer
Minutes approved by: Gene Dearen-Mayor