Heavy equipment was moved onto the bridge to remove debris early Monday morning at the site where 3 year old Caleb Linn was last seen around 11 am on Saturday.


Sheriff Jody Dotson and eight members from the Lawrence County Dive and Recovery Team arrived to assist Fulton County with the search. Divers from Lawrence County searched the rugged banks of the river with boats and swimmers in the water. The teams traveled a stretch of river about 2 miles south of the bridge near Camp Kia Kima.


The Lawrence County Teams were also joined by K-9 handlers in their search, several points of interest were developed and divers were sent to some to rule out possible areas of interest. The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Dive and Recovery Team were on site until dark. The Dive Team is continuing it’s search again on Tuesday.


For more on the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office, visit their site at www.lawrencecountysheriffsoffice.com .