In Lawrence County, Sheriff Dotson has 17 individuals currently on the Lawrence County Most Wanted list. Several suspects on this list are from our area, some are also believed to still be in the area. Last known residences include towns like Ravenden, Sedgwick, Pocahontas, Brookland, Hoxie and other cities close to our area.

Tips from readers and concerned citizens have resulted in over 30 arrest in the last year. Sheriff Dotson ask that you visit the most wanted page from time to time, you may run across someone on the list that you know or have information about.

In the event that you do have information on a “Most Wanted” suspect, Sheriff Dotson ask that you call 870-886-2525 or you can e-mail you tips directly to the Sheriff at You do not have to leave your name.

For more information on the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office including Sheriff Dotson’s Most Wanted List, visit their website at .

Also Sheriff Dotson wants to remind residents that you can always leave tips on crimes on the “Tips Email”, .