Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office To Host 2nd RX Takeback Program In April
Sheriff Jody Dotson has announced that the Sheriff’s Department will host it’s 2nd RX Takeback Program on April 30th starting at 8 a.m.
The first of the takeback programs was held at the Sheriff’s Office in Walnut Ridge back in September, the LCSO collected almost 45 pounds of unwanted prescription drugs in one day!
This years program will expand on the September Takeback by having two locations to drop off the prescriptions. The medications may be dropped off at the Sheriff’s Office in Walnut Ridge and in addition, residents in western Lawrence County will be able to drop off at the parking lot of the Imboden Area Charter School located on Hwy 63 in Imboden.
Sheriff Dotson hopes that with the two locations to able to recover even more unwanted prescription medications.
For more information on the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office visit their site at
Also Sheriff Dotson reminds everyone that unwanted medication may be dropped off anytime at the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office, a Drop Box is located in the lobby of the Sheriff’s Office.