Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland was released on DVD just two weeks ago. Since then it has topped the dvd sales charts.
We’ve all seen Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. It was considered a classic. Now Tim Burton has decided to put his own little twist on the famous story. For those who have seen Burton’s work before, they know what to expect of him.
If you haven’t watched any other movie’s of his, then this one will make you want to see more. I must say he went all out with this one. Burton decided to put Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass into a major motion hit. Through the Looking-Glass is the Sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I went and saw the movie in theater’s in 3D, and it blew my mind. Burton really had you keeping you’re eyes open throughtout the movie, with all the vibrant colors, and comedy. I give it Five Stars! For those who haven’t seen the movie, I highly recommend it. I personally think It’s good for all ages whether you’re 60+ or a toddler I think you will love it.

Movie Review submitted by Savanah Williams