The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department arrested Brandon Fitzwater of Florence, Colorado for criminal mischief, criminal trespassing, and breaking and entering on May 15, 2010 . The arrest was made after the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department received a call of a truck stuck in a rice field off of County Road 537 near Clover Bend, Arkansas. Responding deputies found a white Dodge truck in the rice field. Minutes later deputies found Fitzwater covered in mud and appearing to be under the influence of drugs. A drug test later given to Fitzwater showed meth in his system. During the investigation it was discovered that Fitzwater had broken into a tractor and caused about $2,000 worth of damage to it. The damage to the rice field looked to be in the amount of several thousand dollars. Fitzwater was placed under arrest and transported to the Lawrence County Jail. At a hearing on May 17, 2010 bond was set at $10,000 and a Circuit Court date of June 30, 2010 was issued.