On April 5th at 7pm the Imboden City Council met with all members present. The meeting started with the council opening sealed bids for the two trucks and truck bed that the city decided to sell. Mrs. Rebecca Jones opened the bids in which there were two bids for each item. The flat bed was sold for $565.00 to the high bidder of Mr. Roger Anderson, the 1997 F-350 was sold to the high bidder, again Mr. Roger Anderson for $1565.00 and the 1999 F-250 was sold to the high bidder, City Motors for $1309.00. The council approved the bids.
Representatives of the Imboden Housing Authority presented the council with their yearly audit. Also the Water Dept. presented the council with their audit, both were accepted by the council.
The council was presented with the scoring for the Fire Department classification by Mr. Steve Jones, Imboden Volunteer Fire Department has moved to a Class 4 Department but Jones stated that the IVFD had scored better than expected and was not far from being a Class 3. Mayor Gene Dearen said he was very pleased with the Fire Department and the rating. Also the IVFD has received a grant from the Forestry for (2) Backpack Leaf Blowers, (2) Chainsaws and (2) Water Packs.
Terry Smith of the Imboden Water and Street Department proposed replacing a list of street signs that were either damaged or missing at a cost of $810.00. The council approved the motion.