Some current information about upcoming events and dates at Sloan-Hendrix School here in Imboden.
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, March 23 from 3:30 until 6:00.

There will be a short Spring Break. School will be out on Thursday and Friday, March 25 and 26. School WILL be in session Good Friday, April 2.

The Lawrence County Health Dept. will be at SH on March 23, from 3:00-4:30 pm to give flu shots to students 10 yrs. old and under. They will have H1N1 and seasonal flu shots available. They will be located in the nurse’s office. Parents fill out paperwork when they bring their child. *Children 10 and under should get a 2nd H1N1 shot and children 9 & under should get a 2nd seasonal flu shot, if it’s their first year to get a flu shot.

Kindergarten registration for the 2010-2011 school year will be March 23rd, 2010 from 3:30- 6:00. Parents should bring a copy of their child’s birth certificate, shot records, and social security card. It will be held in the office of elementary counselor Shara Phares (located in the middle school building) Any questions regarding kindergarten registration may be answered by calling Mrs. Phares at 870-869-2101 ext. 32.

The SHHS baseball and softball schedules have been posted here on Imboden Live. You can find the link located under the community calendar.

The Sloan-Hendrix 5th grade boys took 2nd place in the Lawrence County tournament last Friday held at Walnut Ridge. Congrads!!

Above photo submitted by Lyna Meeks