The Sloan-Hendrix High School gym was packed with Greyhound fans Friday night to attend the basketball game and celebrate Homecoming 2009 “City Nights”. The Homecoming ceremony kicked off at 7:00 p.m.
Junior Homecoming maids were as follows. Destiny Dail 7th grade, Britanny Wolfe 8th grade, Shayla Dickson 9th grade. Senior Homecoming maids were Samantha Wilson 10th grade, Caitlyn Difani
11th grade, and Pawnee Forrester 12th grade.
The pages were David Burrow,Halie Bounds,Alexander Gholson, and Kayla Deen .
The winners were announced with the junior and senior Queens being….
Sloan Hendrix Homecoming Sr. Queen was Pawnee Forrester and Jr. Queen was Destiny Dail. Congratulations to both girls.
You can view the rest of Sloan Hendrix Homecoming 2009 at the footer of Imboden live.