A concerned resident contacted me recently regarding a letter he had received concerning his late father. The letter was from Blackmerian Vaults out of Toronto, Canada. In the letter, it was indicated that the resident’s late father had a safety deposit box with their company, and that they had seen from Social Security records that he had passed. The letter further indicated that the recipient was the beneficiary of said safety deposit box.

Thankfully, this resident suspected that something was amiss before divulging any sensitive information. Had this gone further, the “company” was going to ask for things such as social security numbers and dates of birth to verify the identity of the “beneficiary”. Once that information would have been obtained by the “company”, this person’s identity and financial security would have immediately been compromised.

Please do not let anyone prey on you during a time of grief, and certainly do not give anyone your personal information unless you know for certain that the request for information is coming from a legitimate and reputable source.

  • Sheriff Brad Snyder