Lawrence County Cooperative Extension Developing Plots Beneficial To Hay Production

Today we got to harvest two forage plots that we had in the county. The first plot is looking to see if adding sulfur can be beneficial to hay production.

Dr. Bronc Finch soils specialists for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture was on hand to help with the harvest of the plots. He will take each sample back and measure dry matter, weights, and nutrient content.

We would like to thank Hawkins Farms for allowing us to place these plots in their field.
The second plot that we harvested today were plots where we are evaluating a foliar fertilizer in hay production. This study will help to determine if it is beneficial/economical to add a foliar fertilizer in hay production. We would like to thank King Farms for participating in this study. The results from both of these studies will be published in our countywide demonstration book and available upon request.